
Performance 1994
piece by Wolfgang Scholz
Fine Kwiatkowski
Conzept, Direction: Wolfgang Scholz
Music: Wieland Schreiber
Projection, Film, Stage: Wolfgang Scholz
Edition: Volker Becker-Battaglia
Camera: Martin Ludwig
Lenght: 46 mins.
Black Box Gasteig Theatre, Munich
Sic! Film Production, Munich
at :
lack Box Gasteig Theatre, Munich 1994
consists of sundry encounters, different perceptions. The piece "Balance
– a piece of the time" consists of five parts: the Search
- die Illusion of the original beginning, the desire for a (meaningful)
encounter - Finding - the sundry encounter - The experience - the compromise-
life together – living the loss – separation. The place
for the end and the new beginning.
- the dream of a pure repetition.
The dancer is carried into the center of the performance space. She
starts to move out of this center nearly imperceptibly. Stops and begins
The musician is behind the projection surface. He creates his own rhythm:
Sound, noise, the space, and time.
The film images, delivered in a double projection, started simultaneously,
take distance from each other , even if minimally because of the different
speeds of the projector . Everything is like a repetition of that which
was seen before, monotony, rhythm, noiseless speed. Yet because of the
change of the images in relation to each other, of the movement the
sound a complete picture is created, which makes each performance different.
Three artists tell the story of how to move along the chosen way. Each
is authentic and autarcic. There are overlappments but these make no
comments nor interpretations of the images, movements nor sound.
Through the changes of rhythms there appear different associations between
the elements of sound –picture (image)-and movement. It is an
attempt for three persons to state ”independently” form
each other the expected rhythms.
It is about movement in relation to time.
About a place to end , the so called goal –beginning and end of
a span of time and space. In what way is the end clear and fixed?
Can one begin a new from there – all the roads seem to have been
used. Everything needs a goal – an end – whose determination
cannot be defined. The end, the fear of loss and the illusion of a goal
keeps us on the road.
For me the guiding idea that the road – or whatever we can call
what each person lives – that each one treads, can only be looked
at, when a change ( a slowing down) of movement – space - time
is woven together. |